On the one hand, it’s not like the BCC is closing down now or anything like that… but at the same time, it’s not like I’ve really got any reason to every go back to Baltimore now that Otakon’s moving to DC next year… so now I’ll have TWO cons requiring me to spend time in not my favorite part of the world, that’ll be fun.

But that’s for another time, we’ve still got more of THIS YEAR’S COMICS to talk about! I’ve got Anime Weekend Atlanta coming up next month, so you can expect another update after that. AND, just a few weeks later, I’ll be in Artist Alley at Anime USA (speaking of DC…). AAAAAAAND, if all that is still to far off for you, there’s even more stuff coming in a week!

Yep, on top of the gargantuan pile of comics you just read, I’ll have a second batch of Otakon comics posted on Patreon in another week or so. If you donate anything at all, even just ONE DOLLAR A MONTH, you’ll have access to all this new stuff the second it goes up! There’s a public gallery of older Patreon material if you want a preview of what that monthly donation will get ya. Go on, check it out!

Either way, see you at the next con! …I need to get some sleep…

(Historical Notes: Sure enough, as I write this in late 2020, I’ve never actually been back to the city of Baltimore since heading home from Otakon 2016.  I got a bit stir crazy in the midst of all the lockdown fun and started poking around on Google Earth, though.  Did you know that some of the pictures they’re using of the BCC were taken during Bronycon?  …I don’t even have a punchline for that, it’s just a fact you have in your brain now.)