Chargeman Ken… Just go look it up. I’m not even gonna say anything else on the matter… other than to thank Mike Toole for, once again, expanding my knowledge of the world.

(Historical Notes: Good LORD this is an ugly page.  Just about every aspect of the background effect in the bottom panel is wrong.  It’s too dark, too decentralized, the lettering needs to be white to that it stands out more, the screen tone effects ALSO should be white instead of black, it just a mess.  Heck, even the line art is overly messy due to doing something wrong while scanning this one.  I almost want to claim that Past Me botched the art for this one on purpose as some kind of meta-joke over what a legendary mess Chargeman Ken is… except I know in my heart of hearts that I’m not that clever.  This was just a bad job.)