Hey, man, when you consider the ammount of love Scribbles gets from others, my own rough treatment is just to make sure he gets TOUGH! …but seriously, it’s a miracle that poor plushie hasn’t fallen appart already.

And normally, this is where I’d link to a tumblr post compiling all the silly Scribbles pictures I took over the weekend, but I was too busy trying to finish all these comics to actually MAKE a post like that, so here’s some random tweeted pictures.

(Historical Notes: See, crap like this is why I keep saying I need to make a new Scribbles plushie and keep the original safe at home.  All that abuse starts to add up!  Also, I eventually did compile that tumblr post, but delays like this are why I eventually just started posting pictures there as soon as I took them, the same as with Twitter or anyplace else.)