I failed, but hey if you miss last year’s 80s-tastic cover, you can always buy yourself a poster of it and enjoy it every single day!

But enough about that. The important thing is, IT’S OTAKON TIME AGAIN! If you’re familiar with the comic, you already know the drill by now. But if you’re stumbling on the comic fresh, here’s the deal: This is just the cover page. I’m gonna TRY to get the actual comics finished and online by this Wednesday… but realistically it’ll probably be sometime over the weekend. Just keep checking here, the Facebook group, the tumblr, or my Twitter for news on how much progress I’m making.

And if you’re an early bird who’s reading this DURING the con, be sure to check my Twitter anyway for an obnoxious amount of convention pictures. Come on, you know you wanna!

(Oh, if you happen to run into me around the con, be encouraged to chat me up about possible Patreon ideas. I’m still looking for any suggestions on what would convince you to bid money)

(Historical Notes: Two things of note here.  One, this is a fantastic example of all the ways in which actively trying to come with stuff that’d be popular enough to sell prints of was poisonous.  Second, the bit about me trying to figure out stuff for my Patreon is kind of hilarious, since as I re-post this in the summer of 2020, I’m trying to figure that out all over again.  Some things never change, huh?)