Apparently, it’s 80’s night at Otakon? I’m not entirely sure how I ended up with a cover page like this one. The original idea was to parody the Streets of Fire poster (or at least Father of Death) with some of the mascots dramatically posing in front of the Convention Center… Unfortunately, those big head/tiny body proportions don’t lend themselves to dramatic poses very well, especially if they have to mimic something normal sized humans do. Try as I might, I just couldn’t get the idea to work… and I’m still not sure how I got it in the first place. Still, I had the dramatically-shaded background finished and started randomly playing around with the color. Suddenly I had the Synthwave Compilation Album Cover you see before you. I dunno, I like it. That’s why I’m going ahead and letting the page go live now instead of next Thursday.

SPEAKING OF WHICH: if you’re just now checking the site during the con, or immediately after, have patience! If all goes well, a fresh batch of Otakon comics should be online late Wednesday night, or early Thursday morning! Most of them will probably have less Hot Pink than you see here!

(Historical Notes: I eventually did make a poster out of this… but with the “Otakon” part replaced with “Conventional Wisdom” or course.  And I never actually sold it at Otakon… they’d already announced the move away from Baltimore by the time I made it available.  So you can imagine how many of them ever sold…)