Again, to explain to those of you who don’t keep up with things on the Facebook page, getting an actual Artist Alley table just wasn’t gonna happen. Thus, my plan was to just meet up with individual people who said they wanted to buy stuff in the hotel lobby (since selling things in the convention center itself would be bad) There just wasn’t any way to describe it without it coming across like a really nerdy drug deal.

Actually, I was kinda relieved when it turned out I wasn’t gonna have the prints after all, but more on that latter.

(Historical Notes: Past Me really undersells just how much you should NEVER AGREE TO ANYTHING LIKE WHAT I WAS SUGGESTING HERE.  Anyone who tells you conventions are a safe place is a big smelly liar.  I know for an absolute fact that I wasn’t up to anything, and even I would warn you against listening to me!  Also… holy crap, I almost thought thought that was an early appearance by one of Those Three Kids for a second.)