So, yeah. That’s happening now. SURPRISE!

Well, that’s all the Otakon comics I’ve got this year. Sorry I kind of cut back on the commentary this time, but I really needed to get this stuff finished and online as fast as possible. Real Life just won’t leave me alone long enough to finish anything, and that’s not even mentioning how Intervention is… NEXT WEEK?!?!?!? SERIOUSLY? AAAAAAUUUUUUUGH YOU STUPID STUPID CONVENTIONS, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?!?

*deep breath*

So, yeah! Tune in… in two weeks, for ANOTHER load of comics, this time about Intervention… I hope… I gotta go lay down…

(Historical Notes: No, seriously, I get freaked out at the very THOUGHT of two convention trips with anything less than a full month between them now.  I have NO idea how I ever thought this kind of schedule could be sustainable.)