…have I mentioned that having this many conventions this close is bad for my mental and physical health? Well, to be fair, half the problem here was the last minute need to get a pile of Artist Alley stuff together. Yup, for once I’m actually doing the whole sitting at a table selling stuff gig. So come by and say hi! …and don’t be offended if I just fall asleep or start rambling incoherently, ‘cos I WILL be very tired.

EDIT: So, I’d HOPED that this update would finally be the one that did manage to get done on Wednesday, since I was able to pencil almost everything at the con. Sadly, that doesn’t do much good if you get back home and immediately pass out for two days. I’m doing the best I can, all things considered, so just keep checking back here until something new shows up.

(Historical Notes: I really don’t like text only covers.)