So, Dr. Forrester is always the costume that gets the most pictures no matter what, but MAN did the picture requests increase once I got to carry Tom Servo around with me! And make no mistake about it, I’m WELL aware that people wanted pictures of Servo, and I just happened to be in them. This is totally okay.

The reason I was carrying Servo around at all was because Kurt didn’t have much time to do so this con, and it seemed a shame to leave him in the hotel room all Saturday. Don’t worry, I made sure Servo had a good time.

(Historical Notes: To provide some further context to anyone who might be confused, this is NOT the green/gold Servo most people have seen me with.  I wouldn’t pick that one up until Intervention later this year.  Also, I had an INCREDIBLY frustrating time figuring out what the Servo pictures in the original post were.  Otakon 2012 seems to reside in this weird limbo time where I wasn’t posting pictures to Facebook or anywhere else yet, of at least I can’t find any trace of where I DID post them other than this mysterious SmackJeeves image host I swear I don’t remember existing.  I still have a whole folder of pictures from the con, but it didn’t seem to have as many Servo pics as there were links on this page, so I blew HOURS looking around for something I was missing.  Turns out I just didn’t take all the pictures at the same time, so they were more spread out across the folder than I realized. How do I ever accomplish ANYTHING?)