Yeah, this happens a LOT in bigger conventions. You couldn’t take three steps without running into someone taking a picture.

By the way, this page was supposed to be a LOT larger, and not as obviously unsolvable. Unfortunately, it was taking WAY too long to draw, and there was still a LOT left to do (I didn’t start any of these cartoons until Monday) so I had to wrap it up halfway.

(Historical Notes: This sort of crap is why, in the later stages of it’s time in Baltimore, Otakon had to start forbidding picture taking in certain high-traffic areas.  One might say it’s basic common sense not to clog up a hallway with a whole group of cosplayers, but people with basic common sense don’t go to conventions in the first place.  Even now, Otakon has several designated “Photoshoot Spots” you can reserve ahead of time, just to keep people from crowding the wrong spots.)