Friday morning, I might have recoiled in horror. By Sunday, though, the part of me that registers shock and horror had withered up and died. Actually, I think that part of me withered up and died a LONG time ago.

So, yeah, that’s all of Otakon 2010! It nearly killed me (I will NEVER put off drawing until after the con again) but it’s all done! One again, we’ll have filler pages every Wednesday until the Anime USA coverage, so keep tuning in!

(Historical Notes: HA HA HA give it up Past Me, the problem with meeting those deadlines was the deadlines themselves, not the lack of drawing at the con.  Whatever time you’d save pounding out some doodles at the con will be canceled out by all the time spent polishing up the sloppy art.  Then ten years later, your future self will have to edit it AGAIN.  The cycle is ENDLESS.)