Here it comes, everybody! Conventional Wisdom vs. Otakon, round three! Well, I shouldn’t say it like that. If it weren’t for Otakon, this comic would most likely not exist. Be that good or bad, there it is.

So, yeah. I’m writing this a few days before heading out to Baltimore, so your guess is s good as mine how things will have been going when you read this. Gads, that’s a terrible sentence. Anyway, baring any unforeseen tragedy, the rest of the Otakon pages should be up Wednesday, with the next batch of filler comics starting the week after that. So stay tuned!

(Historical Notes: In one of the more embarrassing examples of why it’s for the best that I don’t rush these things, the original posting of this cover had the date wrong.  And I don’t just mean the days up in the title text were off, I mean I drew the wrong year right there in the middle of everything.  It somehow took a whole week to fix that gaffe, and even then I had to have somebody else point it out to me.  This is why commenting is important, kiddies!)