Remember back in school when it was the night before a big paper was due, and you were scrambling to pound out something half-way decent but you had that sick feeling in your gut that it was going to suck anyway and you had no one but yourself to blame for waiting so long? That’s kind of how I feel right now. Don’t get me wrong, I’m totally excited about Otakon and fully expect to have a blast. Still, the fact remains that I’m scrambling to wrap up things that should have been ready WEEKS ago, and there’s no reason other than my own laziness.

Worst of all, I actually DID have a “real” comic idea for this week, just no time or mental energy to pound it into shape. Did you know that Electronic Gaming Monthly, America’s original gaming publication, is back in print? I didn’t until last weekend, and I find it cause for rejoicing! Alas, it will have to wait for a few weeks…

Well, at least the page I DID draw turned out better than expected. Coloring in the sky like that makes it look like I worked a LOT harder than I actually did.

(Historical Notes: Hey, I never actually did that comic about EGM… which is probably for the best.  I only ever wound up reading a single issue of the revival, since it just served to remind me that I’d completely lost all interest in the mainstream video gaming industry.  Either the comic itself or my decades-later comments now would have turned out REALLY depressing.  Clearly, Moon Spider was the more uplifting option.)