Apparently, it also make you spout unwieldy insults like Dr. Smith.

Sadly, this is totally how I spent the night before driving up to Otakon, and I mean the WHOLE night. The stupid thing kept jamming and slowing down and, for about 30 minutes there, spitting out pages of totally random gibberish. The worst thing, though, is after about 10 hours of work, I ended up with less than 70 booklets to last me the WHOLE weekend. *sigh*

That’s a lesson for you aspiring webcomic wunderkinds out there: just because your idea for a handout is really cool doesn’t make a GOOD idea.

(Historical Note: It took a few years, but I eventually learned my lesson.  Stuff like this is why I mostly stick to making those tiny little flyers now.  If anything, I usually end up with too MANY of those, not too few.  I continue to absolutely run technology into the ground, though.  As I write this, I’m only days away from replacing the replacement of the replacement OF THE REPLACEMENT of the printer seen here.)