I’m not gonna lie, I’m pretty dang proud of this one. I mean, yeah, it DOES look like a rough doodle that was frantically bashed out at one in the morning (three guesses why) but in spite of that, I think it captures the feel of the original Enter The Dragon poster pretty well.

If it helps, try thinking of this less as a finished picture and more as a rough draft of the big, full-color version you just KNOW I’m gonna be working on now.

(Historical Notes: I never did end up doing a full color version of this one, and now that I’ve pretty much quit doing parody prints for Artist Alley, it’s doubtful I ever will.  It’s kind of a shame too, because while I doubt this would ever have sold any better than the Rob Liefeld parody, I LIKE this one a lot more.  But that was the problem, I learned pretty early on that the stuff I liked enough to parody was all too obscure for anyone to care enough to spend money on it)