You know, there was a time in my life when going to a con was a once-a-year thing. One single weekend in May was spent at Animazement, then I had a whole twelve months to gradually build up to the next one. I think I still kind of assume that’s how things work on some primal level.

Don’t get me wrong, I AM excited about how full my convention schedule is this year. I’m looking forward to Katsucon, and I wouldn’t have traded MAGFest for anything. Still, you gotta understand that I am a very sedate, sloth-like creature by nature. I need a long time to build up for something, and just as long to wind down from it. So to me, it kinda DOES feel like Katsucon is starting up the day after MAGFest ended.

Well, all the better for you guys, I guess. It means you get another batch of comics nice and soon!

(Historical Notes: Yeah, even back then I was already starting to realize that my idealized “cons every couple of weeks” goal just wasn’t sustainable. This would get a LOT worse over the years.)