So, since I live in the District of Columbia and don’t have any representation, silly internet stunts are about the only way I can make my voice heard on still like the whole SOPA/PIPA mess. But I’m also not sure how I’d actually go about making a webcomic go dark for a day when it’s being hosted on something else like mine are. Besides, I don’t like the idea of depriving any readers of new material, which is the whole point of a strike, isn’t it?

Well, anyway, here’s this week’s filler comic a day early, so I can at least say I didn’t update on Internet Strike Day (or whatever they’re calling it)

(Historical Notes: I do hereby solemnly vow, for the love of all that is good and holy, that I will never, ever, EVER draw another explicitly political comic for the remainder of my life.  Man, and I thought the pop cultural references in these pages really showed their age…)