…then again, the one that happens in Raleigh is subtitled “Oak City,” and I only barely knew that “City of Oaks” is a thing anybody calls that town, allegedly. Wake Forest could turn out to be named “Land of the Eternal Spatula God” and I wouldn’t have any idea.

But yeah, it’s convention time again! And I mean an ACTUAL convention, not all that filler. It’s been several years since I last made it out to NC Comicon, and I’m quite curious to see how things have changed. In case you missed me saying so earlier: I’m not on any panels or running any table or doing any whatever for this con, just hanging out and taking notes and most likely spending an inordinate amount of time in the theaters for the film festival. If you see me running around, don’t be afraid to say hi, I just MIGHT have some free stuff to the first person who asks! …emphasis on “might,” I’m suddenly unsure if I actually still have any freebie goodie bags left. I probably should have checked before I wrote this. And I probably shouldn’t actually post this before I go check. There’s a lot of things I should and shouldn’t do.