Hair troubles aside, I was pretty proud of this little costume, simply because it was the first actual new costume I’ve done in YEARS. I think the last actually new cosplay project I’ve followed through on was all the way back at Otakon 2017. Since then, I’ve mostly just dressed up as Dr. F or… well, myself. Just being able to prove to myself that I CAN do a new costume is a bit of a triumph. Not to mention the moral victory of finding a professional wrestler costume that both includes a shirt AND isn’t laughably beyond my own body type. Thank you, Huskis.

But seriously, it took me SOOOOO long to get my hair tied up in an even remotely acceptable form. Granted, part of the problem was that I was trying to approximate a look Bray achieves with dreads and the sides of his head shaved, and that’s obviously going to behave a lot differently than the full mane I’m caring around. But really, I just don’t have much experience with putting my hair up, at least not in a way that’s meant to actually LOOK like anything. Normally I just wash it and let it do whatever it wants. There is no taming this beast.