I guess this counts as a Production Joke, since my original plan really WAS to draw all the mascots as reindeer… which turned out to be VERY hard to draw correctly. Thus, I gave up and drew this instead.


And as we wrap up 2013, here’s the short term news for the future: there won’t be another filler comic next week, because I’ll already be on the road for MAGFest! Be sure to keep an eye out for me in the Dealer’s Room! And then, the very next weekend after that, I’ll be at Ichibancon! Look for me in the Dealer’s Room there too! HOPEFULLY the MAGFest comics will be out before I leave for that one, but we’ll see.

After that… uh… honestly, I’m not that sure. I’ve been so wrapped up in the whole “two Dealers tables in a row” thing that I don’t really have much in the way of plans for Spring. I’m pretty sure I’ll be at Katsu again, and I’d LIKE to put Anime Boston back on the list… but that’s a really tough trip to plan out. I dunno, I’ll keep you guys posted as I figure stuff out myself. (Keep an eye on the Conventional Wisdom Facebook page for the quickest updates)