Well, it’s a new year, and that means it’s time for MAGFEST! A very special MAGFest, too, since for the first time ever, we’ve actually got stuff FOR SALE at this MAGFest! So head on down to the Dealer’s Room and look us up to buy some sweet prints and even a few books you can’t get anywhere else! And if you’re REALLY lucky, I might actually be at the table myself! …yeah, feel sorry for my poor friends who will ACTUALLY be working down there, selling their stuff AND mine, while I’m off gallivanting around looking for comic ideas.

BUT THERE WILL BE COMICS! I hope to heaven on high that they’ll be done and online before I leave for Ichibancon next week… but just keep checking back here, on Twitter, or the Facebook page for updates on how far behind I am (and if you’re looking at this page DURING MAGFest, check those last two anyway for lots and lots of pictures!)