(Historical Notes: …and as always, the second I find a shiny new toy, I IMMEDIATELY push it too hard and break it.  But setting aside the crappy stock image of the Earth, I really did have a stupidly huge pile of material from this con.  Even after reading through all these pages, you also have to keep in mind there was a whole ELEVEN MORE pages that went up on Patreon at the same time as these were going live.  Can you tell that I was reeeaaally freakin’ guilty over not getting the update out as fast as I used to?  Now, THESE days, I would have set aside a lot of this material for use in ConCONcon comics, like the elevator pushups for example, and only used the most explicitly MAGFest-y of the bunch for this update.  Even then, though, I still would have desperately tried to post the whole thing in one giant blast, and been really ticked off at myself when it didn’t happen, and driven myself to something stupid once Animazement rolled around.  It’s a vicious cycle.)