(Historical Notes: AND SO IT BEGINS.  After the attempts to crank up the detail on the hand drawn backgrounds only resulted way more delays and exhaustion and general burnout, I decided on a whim to use some of the pictures I’d taken as backgrounds on this one.  No serious planning or deliberate attempts to experiment or anything, just “meh, why not?” and going with it.  And what do you know, it turns out I’d stumbled on to Conventional Wisdom’s new visual trademark!  I mean, it’s not like I’d never used photographic elements in a comic before, but something about the scale of its use here just clicked for me in a way I didn’t expect.  Get ready to see a lot more color in these comics from here on out!  And on a non-artist-ranting note, this whole “abrupt ending” thing is always a lot worse for cons where I’m traveling with a group, because I’m inevitably still wandering around the con while they’re getting ready to go.  When it’s just me, I have a lot more of a handle on how long I’ll still be around, since it’s me deciding when I’ll leave and I have plenty of advance warning from myself.  When there’s a whole group, though, I’ll be in the middle of something and get a text and all of a sudden the con’s over.  Real splash of cold water in the face kind of stuff.)