(Historical Notes: Now this is an odd one.  Despite the apparent failure of my own Google-Fu, somebody in the original comments quickly worked out the original song in question.  I think the problem was that the song was actually a cover rather than an original, so when I looked up the artists on the chiptunes stage that particular afternoon and tried to cross-reference their names with “cat party” didn’t turn up any results.  Now I find myself in the opposite situation.  I was able to Google up the original song in no time, but I have even LESS of a clue what artists were playing that afternoon, let alone who might have been the one covering the song.  There’s one thing I can say for sure, however: whoever it was, the live cover of “Cat Party” absolutely blew the original out of the water.  I’m not even going to link to the original here, it doesn’t deserve the views.  That song SUCKS.)