Go figure. Hanging around a room filled with Internet personalities for several hours late at night got kinda… wonky.

This was one of those cases where even I don’t know what to make of some of the notes I took. I mean, I’m sure there was a context in which “I love snorting StreetPasses!” made sense… right? Maybe? At least a little bit?

But yeah, let’s see how many cameos people can actually identify! It won’t be easy, the caricature center of my brain was VERY burned out by this point in the drawing process. But I promise, most of these ARE supposed to be real people! …if you use your imagination.

(Historical Notes: A friend of Tony Goldmark once asked if I’d be interesting in giving him the original art for that last panel, and I thought it was really sweet that somebody thought Conventional Wisdom was professional enough for these panels to have been drawn separately… or that the original art would either be clean enough or well-preserved enough for anyone to ever actually want it.)