Fire alarms and conventions just don’t go well together. This is well established. Having one WAKE YOU UP IN THE WEE HOURS OF THE MORNING just makes it worse.

Fun fact: the actual “alarm” at the Gaylord isn’t just a siren, I simplified it to keep the page easy to read. There was actually a whole recorded message telling us what to do, followed my a second one which explained that nothing was actually wrong and we could all calm down. Oddly enough, the “everything’s okay” message seemed to play a LOT longer than the actual “FIRE FIRE WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE” one

Also, I probably could have worked Yoink: The Mascot of Plagiarism into this page if I’d thought about it early enough. The Atop the 4th Wall Live panel really was pretty early Friday morning, so this very joke was made a LOT over the weekend. Not sure how many people thought to work the Gendo pose in, though.

(Historical Notes: Ironically, I’m re-posting this mere hours after putting up the comics about Ichibancon 2020’s fire alarm woes.  Statistically speaking, this hasn’t actually happened at that many conventions I’ve attended… but it sure FEELS like it has.)