Maybe I’m over thinking it, but I kind of feel like this page isn’t phrased properly or something. I mean, it’s not just that everyone who got a rude awakening was frusterated and needed some release. After all, there was a MASSIVE arcade on the premises for shooting or punching things, lots of loud rock and roll to listen to, and FREAKING TABLE FLIPPING FOR CHARITY. Smply venting wasn’t an issue.

No, the problem here was the specific fact that the malfunction wasn’t a PERSON who could be punished. A shorted out fire alarm can’t experience pain or misery, it can’t feel bad when it gets its badge taken away, pays a fine, and has charges pressed against it. THAT’S what we wanted: to know that the source of our annoyance was suffering, could appreciate that suffering, and deserved it.

Frankly, that’s messed up.

On a happier note: this was the first time I had an iPhone on me for a con, and I already don’t know how I lived without it. SO MUCH INFORMATION, RIGHT THERE!!!

(Historical Notes: As I’m writing this, millions of people are desperately looking for an individual person whose action can be blamed for the fact that communicable diseases exist.  We desperately need hate to be able to function.)