So, last year I just watched the big TGWTG Nerf War from the sidelines (and immortalized it in song), but this time I actually got to take part in the carnage. I WAS going to link to some of the many YouTube videos of the war, but apparently MarzGurl is planning to edit them all into one big master video, so I’ll just wait and link to that.

By the way, I had an idea for a second page involving the difficulties of loading and cocking a Nerf handgun when one of your arms is “dead.” That kind of physical humor would have taken a loooong time to draw correctly, and this update was running late enough as it was. One more for the outtake pile!

(Historical Notes: I couldn’t find an official MarzGurl video on YouTube, so here’s the official MAGFest video… I’m in it for, like, half a second… in the very back…)