Complete and total truth. I’m old enough that “advanced technology” was depicted like this when I was a kid, and that’s what it’ll look like in my head for the rest of my life. Seriously, I still think the original Virtua Fighter is more cool looking than any sequel, even though it does look like everyone’s made out of legos. IT’S, LIKE, TOTALLY VIRTUAL REALITY, MAN!

And on a side note, this really is the sort of stuff I spent most of the weekend playing: anything and everything retro. The most modern anything I played were some of the imported 2D shooters Wedoca brought by, and even those have the same play mechanics as something from 1990.

Also, now that I think about it, I don’t even think they had God of War. Oops.

(Historical Notes: What’s REALLY sad is that there’s a whole generation of kids who think these two games are about the same level of graphical quality.)