This was a complicated one, ironically enough, since I was afraid I couldn’t be able to draw Scribbles in enough detail if I didn’t paste and scale some much larger drawings. Thus, the comic about not getting anything done ended up having the most to do. Huh. (It was worth it, though, Scribbles is ADORABLE here)

Also, as you can see, I resorted to that horrible sin copy/pasting the same drawing over and over. I thin it’s defensible, though, since the whole point is that I wasn’t even moving. So there.

But yeah, I can usually get a handful of pages drawn on Thursday or Friday, but once the con hits full swing, I can’t get SQUAT done.

(Historical Notes: This is another attempt to revive a type of comic I did a lot back in college, one of the original “writer’s block” type comics that Scribbles was invented for.  I still don’t think this sort of thing works very well outside of that classroom context, though.)