Okay, an explanation for those of you tuning in Wednesday. Normally I would do one more filler page now and post the cover page on the first day of the convention, but I normally go to cons that “start” of Friday (even if there’s still stuff going on Thursday night) Since MAGFest officially begins within 24 hours of the usual update time, two pages seems kind silly. Plus, I’m running WAY behind of stuff, so any opportunity to draw one less page this week is an opportunity I’m taking.

To everyone else: LOOK! CONVENTIONAL WISDOM IS GOING TO MAGFEST! I’ve been trying to get to MAGFest for years now, and I’m super excited it’s finally happening. If you’ve just stumbled onto this comic this weekend, tune in Wednesday for a big heaping pile of brand new comics about the con! …unless it’s not done on Wednesday, in which case check back Thursday. (I tell ya, that deadline gets harder to meet with every con)

And as always, if you see me wandering around during the con, don’t be afraid to say “Hi!” You just might end up staring in a comic!

(Historical Notes: Whoooo boy, THIS is gonna be a trip!  Otakon started out as Conventional Wisdom’s “big” yearly update, but over time I think MAGFest wound up becoming the real main attraction of this comic.  It’s not an “anime” convention, obviously… heck, it’s not even considered a “convention” if you ask the right people… but I don’t think there’s ever been a bigger, busier, more concentrated example of the whole “mass geek party” feeling that got me excited about conventions in the first place.  There’s a reason MAGFest comics consistently wound up being the longest updates of just about every year.  And yet, somehow, this historical first cover page isn’t properly saved on my computer.  The master copy doesn’t have the big “2012” on it for some reason, so I had to do some creative copy/pasting from the SmackJeeves copy to restore this page.  I tell ya, it’s amazing the kind of things that fell through the cracks over the years…)