…and I say this as a person who knows a LOT of them.

I should point out that the thing that struck me as funny about the first bit ISN’T the fact that these girls wanted to change out of their Hetalia Germany costumes (with the big Jewish thing going on, it was actually rather prudent of them) It’s just the notion that there’s a point at which they just HAD to be Nazis, but that’s over now.

…I should also apologize to the girl in the elevator if I totally got this costume wrong, ‘cos I really have no idea what it was supposed to be. I’m GUESSING something from Black Butler (because if a teenage girl is in a suit at an anime convention, there’s at least an 85% chance of it being Black Butler related) but I don’t know a thing about that series, so I couldn’t really look up any references. Drat.