Okay, I think I tried to cram a little too much into this page, so I’ll just explain everything that happened:

I was hanging with a guy in a really good Scarecrow costume, which was really good for creeping people out. He didn’t even have to do much, just wander over and stare (or stand right behind somebody, fun stuff like that) So, we were goofing around when he noticed this girl staring at him from across the hall, clearly creeped out. Obviously, that couldn’t be ignored, so he he wanders closer. She reacted rather extremely and ran away…

…directly into A GUY IN A BODY SUIT THAT MADE HIM LOOK LIKE A SINLESS MASS OF EXPOSED ORGANS who had snuck up behind her. It was one of those beautiful, impossible to plan moments… and I’m pretty sure it gave that poor girl a heart attack.