I’m very happy to say that I did NOT actually do this. Actually, the idea came from a panel on Saturday morning called How to Make Money While Giving Your Content Away Free. During a discussion about T-shirts as promotional material, Brad Guigar (whose caricature is at the table) mentioned how frustrating it is when a person walks by the table, laughs but doesn’t buy anything, then brings his friends by to laugh and ALSO not buy anything. Then someone else (Kris Straub, I think?) suggested that this was the Free Content business model of web comics in a nutshell.

Talk about having a comic HANDED to you…

(Historical Note: I’d say this has actually gotten WORSE the bigger and more pervasive Social Media has become.  The last time I checked, my bank still hadn’t changed its stance on not accepting likes, retweets, signal boosts, or “awareness” as legal tender.)