Well, it seemed like it at the time anyway. At the How to Make a Webcomic panel on Sunday, EVERY SINGLE PERSON on the panel was boasting some pretty epic facial hair. Pictured in this comic are (left to right): Michael “Mookie” Terracciano of Dominic Deegan, Kris Strab from Starslip Crisis, Dave Kellett of Sheldon, and Brad Guigar from Evil Inc. Standing at the left is the conspicuously clean-shaven Kilika, who, had he actually been at that panel, would have shattered this little bit of logic.

(Historical Note: Clearly the only reason I wasn’t the star attraction at the panel was because these were the days when I’d shave and use a fake mustache for Dr. Forrester, and this was seen as an act of facial hair sacrilege)