First off, here’s the unfortunate incident being referenced.  Don’t worry, he got better.

Also, if you’re a bit confused by what’s happening, let me explain how the Servo puppet works.  There’s only two points on the whole puppet that actually move: the mouth opens and the head turns.  The mouth operates by tugging some fishing line, which in turn runs down through a piece of pvc pipe shoved into the head, which I can use to make it look around.  Now, attentive readers will notice that said bit of pipe isn’t actually glued on or screwed in or anything, it’s just kind of wedged into another piece of pipe inside the head.  Most of the time that works just fine, but every so often friction gives out and the pipe just kinda falls out.  This was the first time it had happened specifically after a long, stressful walk spent worrying about something ELSE falling off, though.  That’s the kind of expert comedic timing that most inanimate objects could never hope to have.  Our Servo, he’s a clever one!

Oh, while I’m sure nobody else would have noticed this if I didn’t bring it up, I do need to draw attention to how obvious it is that I shot these background pictures on two different days.  If you know it look for it, you can REALLY see what direction the weather was shifting.  DRAMATIC FORESHADOWING!