Now, obviously, a person who actually bothered to read the schedule ahead of time would have already seem Sgt. Slaughter advertised with the other guests, and thus wouldn’t have been surprised by this at all.  But it’s well established at this point that I only ever bother to look at what’s happening in advance if one of those things is something I’m actively involved in.  if I’m not on any panels or helping with any events, I just end up flying blind all weekend… and this double takes like this happen.

And really, I’m burying the lead a bit here by drawing the dude in full gimmick to make his caricature more recognizable.  I never saw him with the army hat on or carrying that belt around, he just looked like himself… which makes my automatic assumption that he was a cosplayer really hilariously dumb.  Unless somebody spent all morning constructing a massive prosthetic chin, then it really WOULDN’T have been a very good cosplay.

…but seriously, though, that custom belt is AMAZING.  It’s basically the old school WWF Winged Eagle belt, but with the G.I. Joe logo engraved across it, and it looked all kinds of awesome.  And now I can’t stop imagining a belt with the Cobra logo on it to commemorate the whole “Iraqi sympathizer” heel turn.