Yup, THIS is how I slept all weekend. Basically, all my usual roommate crew were either going to Illogicon the next week, or were saving up for MAGFest at the end of the month. As soon as I said to myself “Well, I need to find SOMEBODY to crash with, ‘cos I’m sure not sleeping in the VAN all weekend!” …I knew I’d totally be able to milk that for some comic material.

BUT I’M SURE NOT EVER DOING IT AGAIN, so if I start desperately asking around for a hotel room, PLEASE HELP ME OUT GUYS!

(Historical Notes: I’ll say it again multiple times over the years, but I need to add it in here because Past Me had NO IDEA how hard it was going to be for me to live this down.  To THIS DAY I still occasionally get grief over the fact that I actually did this.  I’m not saying it’s undeserved, just that Past Me was totally unprepared for how long people would remember it.  It’s especially funny because so many of said people ALSO said “Oh, you should have told me!  I totally would have let you stay in my room!” …even though I DID tell them all I was looking for a room multiple times in the lead-up to the con.  I mean, don’t me wrong, I ABSOLUTELY don’t pay attention to what goes on in the lives of others, but I also don’t make a big show of how I totally WOULD have helped well after it’s too late to actually make good on that.)