But hey, I DID get a pretty good update out of the stupidity. And all things considered, this Ichibancon was a lot more fun than last year.

So, that’s the Ichibancon comics! Sorry it took so long to get this stuff online, guys. After the last few cons and their paltry updates, I was a little too excited to have a surplus of ideas and didn’t edit myself very well.

AND GUESS WHAT, MAGFEST IS UP NEXT AND YOU JUST KNOW I’LL HAVE A CRAZY TON OF STORIES TO TELL AFTER THAT CRAP IS DONE SO STAY TUNED FOR THAT MESS (and follow me on Twitter or the Facebook page for pics and funny stuff while the con’s happening)

(Historical Notes: Again, this wishy-washy attitude of mine was why I ended up trying this again at AWA several years later.  I wanted to apply everything I’d learned the first time around, but do it under even more adverse conditions to either see if it really could work or permanently purge myself of any desire to ever try it a third time.  Of course, even THAT didn’t really work, as I still maintain that I’d be willing to camp in an actual mini-RV or something MEANT to house people.  I really don’t ever learn.)