Dude, my sleep cycle was ALL wrong this weekend. Between the craziness of doing the Far Out There Christmas pages, getting my crap together to cover the trip to Ichi, and the weirdness of the whole van sleeping thing, I was getting tired at WEIRD times of the day. I’m not exaggerating when I say I was falling asleep in the middle of playing a game. And I’m not taking about some quiet puzzle game played in the quiet of my own room, I’m talking about playing Streets of Rage in the middle of a LOUD, crowded room.

And make no mistake, I spent a looooong time in the Game Room. Having a lot of Wedoca games at your con will do that to me.

(Historical Notes: It’s cute how past me tried to pass of sleeping in the van as “weird,” like the problem was just that my routine was being disrupted and now how terrible a location to try and sleep that van actually was.  ESPECIALLY since the very next page is completely up front and honest about it.  It’s also funny that the alt text jokes about me being tired during the editing process, when there were several typos in the comments that I never caught the first time around.)