Happy New Year, everybody! We’re kicking off 2015 with a con right off the bat: Ichibancon part two! As you can see from the cover page, last year’s Ichi comics resulted in some important additions to the Conventional Wisdom world. Maybe this year’s will be equally memorable? Beats me, I’m writing this on Wednesday. But hey, at least this year Ichi’s BEFORE the insanity that is MAGFest, so hopefully I won’t be fumbling around like a sickly zombie all weekend! (just on Sunday, like a NORMAL congoer)

And if you’re checking out Conventional Wisdom for the first time, HI! Hopefully the actual Ichibancon comics will be online around Wednesday, though that depends on how much I’m actually able to get drawn at the con itself. It’ll be by the end of the week at the latest.

(Historical Notes: Oh my Lord, but there’s gonna be a LOT of extra memories to bring up about this one.  Yes, friends, we’ve finally made it to THAT Ichibancon.  If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, just read on…)