Seriously, though, ya’ll are not healthy in large doses.

…and yet, despite all this, Conventional Wisdom’s 2018 Animazement comics still aren’t done yet.  Go figure.

(Historical Notes: Originally there was a month separating this comic and the last one, so at the time it didn’t QUITE feel like I was hitting the same note about social media being awful quite so hard.  But man, where some of these comics age poorly and feel really dated, THIS one is truer now than it ever was.  I’ve literally edited my bookmarks for Facebook and Twitter to bypass the feed and take me directly to my profile page, because I want to keep my social media usage as one-way as possible.  Oh, and just for the record, I’m pretty sure Past Me has posted SOME of the Animazement comics during the intervening four weeks, just not all of them.  I think I was breaking the updates up into three parts by this point, to try and deal with how slow I was getting.  And I also posted this.)