(Historical Notes: Ahhhhh, good ol’ con crud.  Nature’s way of reminding us all that literally everything about conventions is a mistake.  Also, I’m gonna rehash a joke from the last page, but it bears repeating.  I was too sick to get much work done on the Otakon comics, which I expressed… BY DRAWING ANOTHER COMIC THAT WASN’T THE OTAKON COMICS I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE WORKING ON.  Now, in Past Me’s defense, I sometimes do benefit from stepping away from one project to work on something entirely different.  It’s one of the main reasons why my Patreon is so full of blogs about music, that stuff makes for a good brain vacation.  But a big part of why that works is because it’s something totally different from the thing that’s bogging me down.  Taking a break from one thing to do LITERALLY THE EXACT SAME THING doesn’t really work that well.  Gosh, it’s almost like I had some kind of chemicals impeding my thought process or something…)