So, this page feels a bit awkward to me, because ORIGINALLY I was gonna hold it back for the Patreon comics.  But at the last minute, I changed my mind and promoted it to the main comic set… and by “last minute” I mean, “several days after already posting the comic that really should have come before this.”  I guess I was just wandering around the con without having checked in yet last time?

Also, it’s worth noting that, while every con I’ve been to since stuff opened back up has checked if people got their shots, this was the first time anybody’s taken my temperature before I could get in.  I’m hardly the Social Distancing Police or anything (unless there’s a really obvious reason to be), I just found myself wondering how effective that even is at an event where everybody’s running around in big heavy sweltering costumes.  I mean, I just had a suit jacket on, and even that’s enough to render me a sweaty mess.