Okay, generally speaking, ConCONcon material is only inspired by reality in the vaguest, fuzziest, legally distinct sense.  So I really need to stress that, in this case, I only made up the punchline.  The “asking somebody else to speak to the person standing literally right there” thing ABSOLUTELY HAPPENED TO ME ONCE.  I’ll refrain from mentioning the con, but it was right before a panel, the not-staff guy was there to fiddle with the equipment, and the dude asked his actual-staff liaison to ask ME to be somewhere else… when I’m literally mere feet away and can hear the whole thing.  Like… don’t get me wrong, I of all people can understand not wanting to directly interact with anime fans.  But I ALSO understand how you should and shouldn’t interact with people when you’re representing your company on the job, and… GEEZ.

Speaking of experiences based on actual conventions, HAVE I MENTIONED I’M GOING BACK TO A REAL CONVENTION?  The plan is currently for me to try and squeeze out one more ConCONcon 2021 page over the next couple of weeks, then rock on down by Charlotte to drop in on Queen City Anime Con and do comics about THAT for a while.  After an abbreviated set of comics (I’m anticipating ten or less) coming out more or less weekly, I’ll pick back up with ConCONcon for the rest of the year.  Yeah, I know, sorry to anybody who was hoping I’d make a dramatic return to Otakon this weekend.  Keep an eye on the various social medias for additional news!