(Historical Notes: MAN there’s a lot of walls of text in these comics, isn’t there?  Yeah, you can really tell that my backlog of fake anime was waaaaaay too detailed and I didn’t know what to do with all the not-info.  I guess that, since this was the first ConCONcon were I had the chance to use any of this worldbuilding, I needed to use ALL OF IT RIGHT AWAY RIGHT NOW, and wow does it get old fast.  At least when Far Out There goes in too deep on fake backstory, it’s for a bit.  This is just… stuff.  I think even Past Me was conscious of this, which is why pages like these try to make “talking way too much” into the secondary punchline, but that’s pretty obviously just a cope.  If anything, it distracts from what SHOULD have been the real punchline: wondering how they snuck all those torches and pitchforks into the hotel.  Thankfully, I’ve since found other directions in which to unload much of the Conventional Wisdom Extended Universe’s useless facts.  What do you think I keep writing those Patreon blogs for?

Oh, and obligatory t-shirt plug.)