(Historical Notes: Gee, can you tell that I’d fully given up any semblance of towing the line and trying to be positive about… ANYTHING at this point?  That second panel is basically the distilled essence of every single page of Conventional Wisdom drawn after the end of 2018, and I stand by it.  For the record, though, I really do fully expect to wind up back in Artist Alley again at some point.  As of my writing this in 2023, it hasn’t happened YET, but it seems inevitable.  I will be changing up the merchandise and fully dropping the fanart prints, though, so don’t expect to see any of the stuff on the table here again.  Whenever I do start selling again, it’ll be with a full set of books… which I won’t be able to seriously devote time to until I FINALLY GET THE LAST OF THESE OLD COMICS RE-POSTED.)