(Historical Notes: OOOoooh boy, here we go.  This isn’t the first set of comics I did after deciding to start substituting my own fictional anime for the real thing, but it IS the first time I really felt like I had to work at it.  After all, the past instances just involved me slapping the fake anime over some real anime’s spot in my notes about real stuff happening, making up the whole situation from scratch made things feel really different.  And as we’ll soon see, I hadn’t really figured out what I was doing yet.

In the meantime, this.  I don’t feel like I’ve seen this quite as much at recent cons, or at the very least they’ve learned to focus on doing it inside industry panels rather than out in the halls, but there was a time when I would just get SWAMPED with promo stuff for new shows at registration.  Whole bags full of crap, all of which I would absolutely ignore.  To be fair, though, a lot of this situation is inspired by an event that wasn’t even con related at all.  I vividly remember going to a nearly empty movie theater around noon one day, and seeing five or six people all standing around in the hall by a table full of free giveaways for The Lorax… and walking right past them to go see Arrietty.  I felt sorry for them VERY briefly.)