Come on guys! You know you want this stuff! Don’t even pretend you didn’t want a poster of that Otakon cover ‘cos I know for a fact that you did!

But in all seriousness, several pricey con trips are on the horizon, and money’s super tight right now. The more stuff I sell, the lower the chances of my having to call off a con due to lack of funds, and that means more comics for you to read! I hear a lot of you guys talk about wanting to support the comic, and here’s a perfect chance to walk that talk!

(Have I sufficiently guilt’d you all yet? I can bring out some pictures of sad children if it’d help)

(Historical Notes: Again, I don’t offer this stuff online anymore, partially because I don’t want to make more of these things, but most because it turns out I’M REALLY, REALLY BAD AT RUNNING AN ONLINE STORE ON MY OWN.  As it stands now, I’m only gonna sell stuff when I can get a faceless, automated machine to do the shipping for me.  Also, Patreon plug.)