seem to exist in two states of being: leisurely sloth and last minute panic. Guess which one I’m jumping headfirst into right now? Animazement is next weekend, so I’ve gotta finish getting all my junk together before next Wednesday night. I don’t know if my eyes actually have swirls in them yet, but I guarantee that they will by this time next week.

…and that’s no exaggeration at the end, there. In all these months, I seriously STILL haven’t finished sorting through all the pictures I took at Katsucon. Heck, I only just finished typing up my convention journal last week! See, that’s the leisurely sloth at work, right there.

(Historical Notes: Ahhh, yes.  Back in the days when I posted all that sort of stuff on Facebook.  If you haven’t heard me say it elsewhere, Conventional Wisdom actually began as an extension of convention journals I’d been posting on Facebook, and Geocities before that.  As you can see, me getting super late with stuff is not a new thing, and those journals and the accompanying picture albums got really late really fast.  The advent of smartphones and other social media outlets really sped up the process by getting me in the habit of posting stuff right away.  This probably wasn’t actually a good thing.)